AN INDIGENOUS woman has won a legal bid to evict her former partner from a remote Queensland island that belongs to her clan…
A MARRIAGE break-up has cost a couple 11 years, more than $1 million in legal fees, a judicial “marshal” and now the “emotional collapse” of the ex-wife – still without a result…
A MAN has failed to win an injunction to stop his pregnant teenage ex-girlfriend from having an abortion. The man, who cannot be named, had asked the Family Court of Australia to direct the 16-year-old girl to inform him when she went into labour and for him to be given full responsibility for the child once it was born…
AN AMERICAN lesbian who took the biological child of her former partner to Australia has sparked a ground-breaking custody battle over their eight-year-old daughter in the Florida Supreme Court…
A CHILD’S right to a meaningful relationship with his or her father trumps a woman’s right to pursue personal happiness after divorce, according to the latest ruling on the matter by a Family Court magistrate. ..
AN EXPLOSION in online romances is making the toughest Family Court issue even tougher, with more divorcees than ever wanting to move their children interstate or overseas to be with a new partner…
THE Full Court of the Family Court has clarified what it means by “shared care” for children after divorce, and it isn’t a 50-50 time split between parents. ..
REFORM is needed to end the “disconnected” relationship between the Family Court and state child welfare agencies, support groups say.
A CONSTITUTIONAL stoush has been sparked by a Family Court ruling that it can compel state welfare agencies to take a role in the parenting of at-risk children. ..
There are two truths in life: love hurts, and divorce costs. The good news is that broken hearts mend, and the cost of a divorce could be as little as $432, if you play your cards (and maybe your pre-nup) right…