Financial issues become even more complicated for separating families, and sometimes in the midst of separation, preparing properly during tax time can take a back-seat to all the other priorities one is faced with during these hectic times.
However, tax time waits for no-one, and taxation based errors during tax time can sometimes compound into greater issues later on, as evidenced by the ATO’s increase presence in family court matters in recent times.
Well, its Tax time again, and if you are having a bit of trouble preparing for your tax return because of your circumstances, just head to one of the many Tax Help centres across Australia who can help you for free.
As long as your tax affairs are considered simple, and you do not earn over $50,000 in one year, then you should be able to find assistance in the preparation of your taxes from over 180 community centres across NSW and others across Australia.
ATO assistant commissioner Karen Anstis said it was a free, confidential service provided by tax office-trained volunteers.
The service is available by appointment until the end of October.
For more information, see Alternatively, call the Marion Library Service on (02) 8375-6785.
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