Divorce in Australia: A guide to protecting your assets and yourself

A lot of the books you will see advertised online or in book stores about divorce are written for the American market and most of the information you need just doesn’t apply to the Australian legal system.
This book has been written specifically for Australian men and shows you how to get the best outcome financially and the most contact time with your kids.
It will show you how to:
– Minimise your legal bills
– Protect your assets
– Get as much time with your kids as possible
– Protect yourself against dirty, vindictive tactics
– Calculate the asset split you should expect
– Deal with the court system
This book is easy to understand and is full of basic step-by-step instructions written in simple language and is extremely easy to read. You won’t find any “legal speak” in this book. What you will find are answers to all your divorce questions as well expert advice and the plan of action you need to follow to get exactly what you want out of your divorce. This book will make you a “divorce insider” with a better understanding of the process than your spouse.