Paralegal Services – saving you time and money

Paralegal Services – saving you time and money

My name is Jennifer McCarthy. I specialise is assisting self represent litigants prior and during family law proceedings.

I run an Independent Paralegal Service with values that reflect our commitment to treat all litigants fairly and equally, without subjecting them to the bias that many litigants are subjected to during family law proceedings.

On this point we make a commitment to service the unique needs of all the below parties to the best of our ability.

-Property Disputes

All ex-couples (married or de-facto) of all persuasions;

-Child Custody Disputes

  • single fathers;
  • single mothers;
  • grandparents;
  • step-parents;
  • gay parents;
  • adoptive parents and;
  • other interested parties

-Relocation Disputes

All parents or related parties in all circumstances.

I am a qualified Paralegal and have 12 years of experience in research.
The primary service I provide is:

A review of all your materials with suggestions on which documents need improvement, and a list of additional materials that may assist your case.
I also provide further paralegal services in the following areas.

  1. Proof reading of your primary documentation, with notations for suggested changes
  2. General typing of a variety of letters and documents
  3. Legal research (cases and legislation for your matter)
  4. Authoring Affidavits based on your documentation, provided evidence, notes, recordings and a 45 minute phone call (Interim / Trial)
  5. Preparation of Trial plans / minutes of orders based on your written instructions
  6. Preparation of other relevant documents based on your written instructions
  7. I can also help you locate resources to assist you in your matter (solicitors, private investigators, psychologists and other experts from different fields, etc)


# I can not help you with:

Legal advice or Legal representation in court.

created 1887 days, 21 hours, 31 min ago
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