Your experience with an Independent Children’s Lawyer (ICL): Survey


Independent Children’s Lawyers (ICLs) are assigned by the Courts to specifically and solely represent the best interests and rights of the children in the midst of a child custody or child contact dispute.

This may be the logic, however a lot of questions have been raised as to the quality of representation, the effectiveness of that representation, and knowledge and skill of the legal practitioners assigned, and the independence of these legal practitioners from ideologies that may compromise their effectiveness.

These concerns have been so significant the Australian government has recently assigned the Australian Institute of Family Studies to research into how ICLs could be better and more effectively utilised within the Court process.

Here we survey parents who have gone through the child custody dispute process and were assigned an ICL, to rate their experience.

What has been your experience with Independent Children’s Lawyer?

**This survey is now closed. The survey results are currently being tallied and will be reported on very soon. Please come soon for more information.**

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