In the midst of separation or divorce, some male and female ex-partners go to extreme lengths to hide money in order to reduce their future liabilities to the other parent/ex-partner or children of the relationship. ..
A Brisbane judge who sentenced a father of two to jail for contempt of court in a family law case has been sharply criticised by Family Court appeal judges, who described his decision as an “affront to justice”…
A redundancy is an asset that is subject to division if received or is expected to be received by one of the divorcing parties…
What’s interesting is in many of the multi-million dollar divorce cases which have made it to court, the wife has received less than half of the assets…
Divorce is bad for your bank account, particularly for those who stay single, new research shows…
She was married to a man worth more than $260 million, lived a luxurious life and wanted for nothing – but it all came to an end when they split. Now she is seeking a $35 million settlement, arguing she is entitled to maintain and enjoy the lifestyle to which she became accustomed during the marriage. ..